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Nature, its colours, movement & moods play a vital role in my life.
Guidée par un formidable appel intérieur, Holly  à créé
Le Centre VIVEZ VOS COULEURS™  - The LIVING OUT LOUD!™ Center  afin de donner accès  au  bien - être global  à une majorité de personnes grâce  au mouvement et aux sessions d’accompagnement.

Son exubérance, sa passion, sa créativité et son amour des êtres humains l’ont inspirée à créer des outils qui permettent  à la fois  de réaliser ses rêves et de prendre le pouvoir sur sa vie.


Elle propose ses nombreux talents de danseuse professionnelle, écrivaine, conférencière, productrice, pédagogue, chorégraphe,  directrice d'évènements, maitre de cérémonie, maquilleuse professionnelle,
et de coach motivatrice.


 Ses chroniques sur divers sujets : danse, perte de poids, activités culturelles. 
dans les médias :

Holly s’est également impliquée socialement et fait partie de la fabrique artistique  dans les communautés laurentiennes depuis 25 ans.

~ * ~ 

Durant 35 ans, elle a utilisé ses expériences personnelles comme outil de transformation et d'enseignement ce qui lui permet de travailler avec amour et respect tout en harmonie avec chaque personne.

Nos cours sont donnés dans une ambiance chaleureuse s’adressant
à tous. Avec douceur et retenue, le corps en sera le grand bénéficiaire.​


Ces ateliers touchent divers aspects tels une alimentation saine, le stress, notre style de vie de même que d’autres facteurs contribuant à
l’autonomie de l’individu.


Au plaisir



Founder of   The LIVING OUT LOUD!™ Center


Since the age of 16, have been blessed with a flawless health record my entire working life. I have only missed 3 days of work during my full and rich career. I loved every moment of it: until an occurence 4 and a half years ago which derailed me.

While taking in international fitness certification with specific fitness equipment; the concussive movements we repeated (in order to better response from  the apparel); aggrivated and knocked out my sciatic nerve.

I left the certification limping excessively! ....
 I - of ALL people... I thought.

If THIS can happen to me: a Professional... then how will this exercise affect others? If others don't possess my knowledge of anatomy and how the body works; then how are others going to prevent  injuries to themselves?? was just that...The "trainer" did NOT know Anatomy, NOR the equipment, NOR the POTENTIAL EFFECT that it could have on the body. He was NOT a profesionnally trained "trainer": just some run of the mill "guy",  who took a "training course"....and figured that he could make some money.

Within 2 days,  I had to close all my dance schools throughout Greater Montreal and The Laurentians. I lost my ability to walk.
It was SO unbelievable: ME a dance & fitness pro who skis, plays hockey and football??!

For the next 2 years I had to re-teach my self how to move throughout my daily and limited routine: how to  walk, how to  climb stairs... how to lift dishes onto  the cupboard shelf, how to turn, how to get up out of a chair, and even how to drive again. I had to re-learn all of those movements which I had to a certain extent, taken for granted in the past.

During this time I was having a very difficult time dealing with being isolated; and also  had a few very close brushes with death.

Being isolated from friends and family physically during my "convalescence; reminded me that: Now  I WAS  completely alone while dealing with this newly imposed  life-style. And now that I could no longer teach: I started searching for a new career: one which would afford me my current  physical status.

BEING ISOLATED which remarkably changed my thinking and approach to "dance" and exercise,; and toward aging, and LIFE.

Feeling completely vulnerable as I was approching "official" retirement age
(a concept which I do not believe in); I studied various health organizations regarding the entirety of the physical body: heart & lungs, Dementia & Alzheimers, dietary intake, aging etc. I studied Yoga, Pilates, the American  exercise programs for the aging, etc. etc. etc. I read and watched all the greats in holistic approach to life.  I devoured the information in hopes of finding a solution to my problems,  and to  others' living similar difficulties as well.

I  HAD to find a wayto HELP others! THIS is WHO  I AM.



At this time,  I  became totally preoccupied with the "HOW to" in preserving and protecting my own physical body, and psychological automy-while aging.

I HAD to return to my  Divine Creator in order to find and re-claim my Center, my Connection. For it is in Nature: its colours, movement & moods which play a vital role in my life; where I find The Great Spirit. When in - what I call :
      Divine Connection - this is where I am Guided along my path.
        THIS is where I am of service to others.


It is throughtmy Divine Connection that I re-discovered  my current approach to life: 
LIFE -  "whole-istically".

We are BODY, MIND  and SPIRIT: a whole...a trilogy :  which is always in interaction with others. This is our Human makeup. We are social BE-ings.


Therefore when in  class, the old concept of "follow the teacher" is no longer part of my vocabulary. 


When  bringing  my own learning experiences and the entirety of MY life to you; we share, and, exchange. We all have our stories. In our sharing is POWER.

THIS Power enables us to make a SHIFT in our Lives....and helps us to make
1 step toward a more Self-Affirming Future!
Now isn't that just AMAZING??!!!

The joy in the hearts and minds of my students when "they get it" moves me.  KNOWING  that we CAN overcoming obstacles, AND, be True to our Selves in the process; brings about SUCH transformation. Our Spirits can soar and our Creative - Self Awakens! You CAN  LIVE OUT LOUD !

NOW  I KNOW and focus on sharing and being inter-active.  When we  co-create and weave the fabric & experieces of our lives - together ;  what Evolves is
So much stronger & MORE extra-ordinary than we can possibly  imagine.

        We are NO MORE that fearful, vulnerable and tenuous individual.
              Within our Circle WE ARE SUPPORTED and CARED FOR !
                   As a individual and a whole:  WE ARE EMPOWERED!

Now I integrate  laughter, our acceptance of who we are TODAY; along with
         non-comparison, no-stress, throughout my roster of programs. 
The concept of "perfecting a movement, or getting it "right" is long in the past.

        HOW EVER  you Do it , Interprate it or Create it,   is A-OK with me!   
                                      Let's Share and have FUN!  

                        SHARING is the key to a Long & Healthy life!

                            LET'S CELEBRATE LIFE!






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